upcoming appearances

In February 2025. “Toxic Masculinity and the Nuclear Pacific.” Pomona College, Pomona, CA, USA.

In February 2025. “The Nuclear Pacific.” University of California, Berkeley, Berkeley, CA, USA.

In April 2025. “Oppenheimer, Godzilla, and the Cinematic Nuclear Pacific.” Harvard Divinity School, Cambridge, MA, USA.

In September 2025. “Nuclear Justice in the Pacific Islands.” Peace Research Institute Frankfurt, Frankfurt, Germany.

Manaia, Aotearoa. Photo by Lee Emrich.

Manaia, Aotearoa. Photo by Lee Emrich.

PAST appearances

2024. Cold War Environments, ASA, Baltimore, MD

2024. Global Archipelagoes: Island Stories and Environmental Humanities, Keynote. Northeastern University, Boston, MA.

2024. Indigenous Studies Lecture Series, Keynote. University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA

2024. “Nuclear Archipelagos,” Hanford Challenge, Nuclear Waste Scholar Series, online

2024. Käte Hamburger Centre for Apocalyptic and Post-Apocalyptic Studies, University of Heidelberg, Heidelberg, Germany

2024. “Disarming Toxic Empire,” Bernard & Audre Rapoport Center for Human Rights and Justice, University of Texas at Austin

2024. Environment Seminar Series, School of the Environment, University of Toronto, online

2024. Mahindra Humanities Center Environmental Humanities Seminar, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA

2024. “Our Kuleana to Hawai’i, the Pacific, and the World,” Punahou School, Honolulu, Hawai’i

2023. “Narratives of Demilitarization in the Pacific,” ASA, Montreal, Quebec, Canada

2023. “The Nuclear Commons,” ASLE, Portland, OR

2023. “"Demilitarizing Difference: Race, Racisms, and Writing in the Pacific," NAISA, Tkaronto/Toronto, Ontario, Canada

2023. “Author-meets-Academics: A Roundtable on Nuclear Family by Joseph Han,” AAAS, Long Beach, CA

2023. “Stories of Environment and Disability from Oceania,” AAPS, Canberra, ACT, Australia

2023. “The Legacy of Environmental Racism and Exploring the Pathways Forward,” Harvard University

2022. “Global Visions of Modernity from Oceania,” Cultures of Modernity Conference, Auckland, Aotearoa/NZ

2022. “Navigating Pacific Islands Studies in ‘AAPI’: From the Academic to the Personal,” Ethnicity, Migration, & Rights, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA

2022. “Where Do You Learn From?: Place-Based Learning and Indigenous Sciences,” Iolani School, Honolulu, HI

2022. “Queer Indigenous Poetics in Natalie Diaz’s Postcolonial Love Poem,” QERG, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA

2022. “Feeling Gulfs, Sensing Seas: Ocean Ecologies from the Pacific to the Atlantic,” ASA, New Orleans

2022. “Transpacific Archipelago: Edges of Empire, Militarized Legacies, Resistant Poetics” Roundtable, ASAP/13, Los Angeles, CA

2022. Northeast Pacific Island Studies Scholars Workshop, Wesleyan University

2022. “The Nuclear Pacific,” Kohler Seminar: Americas and Geography, University of Virginia

2022. “Interventions in Pacific Islands Studies and Trans-Pacific Studies,” Roundtable, AAAS, Denver, CO

2021. “Decolonizing the Nuclear Age,” SLSA, virtual

2021. Environmental Humanities in Oceania and the Pacific Islands Roundtable, Native American and Indigenous Studies Association

2021. “Kathy Jetnil-Kijiner’s Anti-Nuclear Poetry,” Guest Lecture, Columbia University

2021. (Dis)unified approaches to Climate Change and Energy Relations in the Pacific, Climate Change, Energy, and Sustainability in the Pacific Region Knowledge, Policies, and Transfers (1970s – Present), DIJ Tokyo

2021. “Oceanic Literary Theory,” Guest Lecture, Rutgers University

2021. Riotous Ecologies, Pacific Possibilities: Narrating Lifeways Across the Marshall Islands, Australia, and Jeju Island, Association for Asian American Studies

2021. Feminist Interrogations of Global Nuclear Politics: Challenging Nuclear Colonialism, Building Transnational Solidarities, International Studies Association.

2021. The Anti-Nuclear Pacific, Australian Association for Pacific Studies

2021. Chair, The Lasting Legacies of War, Association for Asian American Studies

2021. Transindigenous Women’s Anti-Nuclear Activisms, Guest Lecture, The New School, New York, NY.

2021. Settler Responsibilities Toward Decolonisation International Symposium, Auckland, Aotearoa/New Zealand.

2020. "Pacific Unstandard: Cultural Discourses on Demilitarizing Pacific Futures” panel, American Studies Association, Baltimore, MD. (cancelled due to COVID-19)

2020. Emerging Themes and Methods of Humanities Research, ACLS Annual Meeting, Baltimore, MD (postponed due to COVID-19)

2020. Feminist Interrogations of Global Nuclear Politics workshop, International Studies Association, Honolulu, HI (postponed due to COVID-19)

2020. Imagining Post 3.11 Futures and Living with Anthropogenic Change, UC Berkeley, Berkeley, CA.

2020. Chair, Empire and Environment: Confronting Ecological Ruination in the Asia-Pacific and the Americas, Modern Language Association, Seattle, WA

2019. “Speculative Creation Histories in Patricia Grace’s Oceanic Anti-Nuclear Storytelling,” Speculative Futures: Climate Change and Ecologies Symposium, San Diego, CA

2019. Occupied Archipelagos: Visions of Militarism, Indigeneity, and Racialization in the Pacific Roundtable, American Studies Association, Honolulu, HI

2019. Anti-Nuclear Narratives of Oceania, Western History Association, Las Vegas, NV

2019. Co-Chair, Pacific Arts and Climate Activism Panel, ASLE, Davis, CA

2019. “Risk and Resistance at Pōhakuloa,” ASLE, Davis, CA

2018. “Pacific Women Speak: Anti-Nuclear Trans-Indigenous Women’s Writing of Oceania,” American Studies Association, Atlanta, GA

2018. “Pacific Women Speak: Re-Mapping Oceania through Women’s Anti-Nuclear Writing,” (Re)Mapping Indigenous and Settler Geographies in the Pacific Conference, Honolulu, HI

2018. “Praise Your Capacity: Oceania, the Anthropocene, and Craig Santos Perez’s Videopoems,” A Clockwork Green: Ecomedia in the Anthropocene (ASLE-Sponsored Virtual Symposium), Santa Barbara, CA

2018. “The Ocean In/ Of/ And Us: Craig Santos Perez’s “Praise Song for Oceania,” NAISA, Los Angeles, CA

2018. “Decolonial Speculation in Wendt’s Black Rainbow: Trans-Indigenous Resistance in the Nuclear Pacific,” MLA, New York, NY

2017. “Where is Oceanic Literature?: A Digital Map of Coalition and Circulation,” PAMLA, Honolulu, HI

2017. “Stand Up: Mauna Kea and Indigenous Environmental Protection,” ASLE, Detroit, MI

2015. “Risk and Resistance at Pōhakuloa,” PAMLA, Portland, OR

2015. ““We are Not Drowning, We are Fighting”:  Pacific Warriors Against Climate Change,” American Studies Association, Toronto, Canada

2015. “Petroculture in the Pacific:  Indigenous Solidarity and the Fight against Climate Change,” Association for the Study of Literature and the Environment, Moscow, ID

2015. “I Kū Mau Mau:  Pacific Islander Connections in the March for Climate Change Leadership,” Narratives of Indigeneity:  Social Justice Initiative, Davis, CA

2014. “Time, Transits, and Transformation:  Reterritorializing the Pacific in Ruth Ozeki’s A Tale for the Time Being,” MLA, Chicago, IL

2013. Chair, Oceanic Literature Panel, Pacific Ancient & Modern Language Association, San Diego, CA

2013. “Parleying the Pacific Pivot:  Trans-Indigenous Connections in Literature of the American Pacific,” PAMLA, San Diego, CA

2013. “Asian Diasporic Plantation Fiction: A Rhizomatic Interpretation of Hawaiʻi,” Northeastern Modern Language Association, Boston, MA

2013. “Labor and Asian American Identity in The Buddha in the Attic, Popular Culture Association/American Culture Association, Washington, DC